Pravar Agrawal Technology & Travel

Attending KCD Kochi 2024

Kubernetes Community Days or KCD are community-organized events that gather practitioners and technologists from open source and cloud-native communities, colloboration and networking. And early this year I got a chance to attend and speak at the very first edition of KCD Kerala that took place at Kochi this Februrary. And in this post I’ll share my experiences attending it, meeting some newer and known faces through the event. This was the first time KCD happening in Kerala and the venue was Kochi, which I must say is a very beautiful and historic city holding significant important in it’s place.

Understanding Node Problem Detector

Monitoring your kubernetes cluster is as important as containerizing your application code while running workloads on it. In other words, it’s indispensable. To understand, why it can’t be ignored we need to think what we could be doing if there’s no montioring for one’s cluster? Although there are modern monitoring solutions like Prometheus, Dynatrace, NewRelic, Datadog but at some point these could be processing a lot of information which we may not need actively.

Chatbot With OpenAI API

Chatbots have really popularised the usage of language models in various fields like customer support, customer interaction in recent times. Using OpenAI and Gradio we can quickly create a chatbot model for self tinkering and exploring this modern method of communication assist. Let’s first start by ensuring if we have the correct python (recommended python 3) in our local: $ python --version Python 3.11.4 And checking if the package manager pip is installed:

Sig Apps Mentoring

I’ve been chasing Open Sourced works for a while now and if I don’t mention Kubernetes then that would be a shame on my part. I was first introduced to K8s around 4 years back while working with my previous organization and I was startled when I came to know about such a huge project and entirely open sourced. I guarantee, you might be getting same feeling when you’ll open the github repository of Kubernetes source code and see the commits or contributors counts.

A Look at Kube Scheduler Simulator

The Kubernetes ecosystem has expanded at a very good pace in last couple of years. Almost every few months we see a new project being added under kubernetes-sigs. One of the recent projects I’ve come across is kube-scheduler-simulator. If you are looking for understanding how the K8s scheduler works in more detailed way, kube-scheduler-simulator is the perfect project to explore. Simulator helps in visualizing how scheduler works to schedule different pods onto the worker nodes in a K8s cluster.

An Intro to Kubernetes Descheduler

If I were to mention “control plane” in Kubernetes, then automatically four components would come in our minds: kube-apiserver, etcd, kube-scheduler and kube-controller. And out of these four as we know, kube-scheduler is the one which is responsible for assigning our workload pods to the nodes in a K8s cluster. But, often we see our worker node resources are not utilized properly. Since, the kube-scheduler doesn’t take any responsibility in re-scheudling the pods from highly utilized nodes to under-utilized nodes, we are sometimes left with our cluster resources not being used fully.

2021 and 2022

As we all are ready to say goodbye to year 2021 and welcome 2022, let me pen down few of my personal updates here. They may sound boring and maybe a little beneficial for many like me who are always looking to better themselves from yesterday. This post is more about my goals in 2021 , how much of it was I able to achieve and what plans I have for 2022, more like a boring retrospective of my life in 2021.

Amazing Bash Script Options

Linux has become the de-facto operating system these days especially for servers. Most of us have been using Linux operating systems almost every day and it has become a need to understand this OS from it’s very basic to it’s core. Though there are many tutorials, posts available online which could help us in learning more about Linux, in this post I’ll be discussing few not so popular and some very common syntax being used for bash scripting.

How K8s Scheduler Works

Kubernetes is the mostly wide used Container ecosystem in present times. With it’s roots dating back to Google’s Borg, Kubernetes is itself a collection of multiple microservices. The Kubernetes architecture comprises of around 5 major components in it’s master plane. And kube-apiserver being the heart of whole cluster, there is one component called kube-scheduler which is actually responsible for managing the workloads throughout the cluster. Though there is not much available in detail regarding kube-scheduler’s working in Kubernetes docs, with this blog post I’ll try to bring some less explored and mysterious ways kube-scheduler works.

2021 So Far

As we all know year 2020 will go down in the history due to a tiny virus called SARS Covid-19. With almost the whole world coming to a stand-still early last year, it’s been difficult since then coming back to normal. The first, Second waves of Covid infections have kept all of us on back-foot. For us, IT folks working-from-home has been the new-normal and that’s pretty much the story in past one year.