Pravar Agrawal Technology & Travel

Sig Apps Mentoring

I’ve been chasing Open Sourced works for a while now and if I don’t mention Kubernetes then that would be a shame on my part. I was first introduced to K8s around 4 years back while working with my previous organization and I was startled when I came to know about such a huge project and entirely open sourced. I guarantee, you might be getting same feeling when you’ll open the github repository of Kubernetes source code and see the commits or contributors counts.

I’ve always thought about contributing to upstream Kubernetes in any way possible. Starting from docs issues, making smaller changes here and there helped me to find some work on slight complex issues as well. Sometime around 5 months back, I came across this issue and it seemed, sig-apps was inviting applications for folks to come onboard as trainee for reviewers of PRs and other issues. I immediately applied and then became a part of four months long journey to learn from some of the very best community leaders.

The training started with communications on a Kubernetes slack channel which was also the main medium for rest of the cohort sessions. The mentoring program was kicked off by Sig-Apps co-chair, soltysh who helped us in understanding how the sessions have been planned for the entire program. With a weekly connect to check the progress on what was discussed and how to proceed further on any type of blockers etc. Sig-apps,takes care of all the controller code under kubernetes/pkg/controller and the reviewers ladder was aimed at preparing the cohort to be able to review and resolve PRs issues under the sig. For understanding controllers better, we were suggested to go through sample-controller and the following video which explains how to write a controller. I’ll be sharing a brief list of few more such links at the end of this page for everyone to follow.

The reviewer’s cohort progressed further with some very interesting sessions from SIG leads from different areas like Antonio Ojea who spoke about sig-testing, Rey Lejano who talked on release cuts and processes. And then my personal favourite was the session by our very own Tim Hockin who spoke about reviewing and role of revieweres in general. And for the last session we had Bob Killen who spoke on reviewing and our effects as reviewers on community for the project.

The journey although came to an end sometime in the first week of December, but the learnings have stayed with me forever. I would like to thanks all the mentors and especially Machiej, who has been a big support whenever it came to asking any type of questions related to contributions, reviewing etc. Below are some resources which one can look at while considering contributing to sig-apps:
