Pravar Agrawal Technology & Travel

Attending KCD Kochi 2024

Kubernetes Community Days or KCD are community-organized events that gather practitioners and technologists from open source and cloud-native communities, colloboration and networking. And early this year I got a chance to attend and speak at the very first edition of KCD Kerala that took place at Kochi this Februrary. And in this post I’ll share my experiences attending it, meeting some newer and known faces through the event.

This was the first time KCD happening in Kerala and the venue was Kochi, which I must say is a very beautiful and historic city holding significant important in it’s place. The entire work done by organising team, was really outstanding. Everything from venue, arrangements, speaker set-up, food was really great.

And since this was my first time visiting Kochi, I never wanted to miss out on some sight-seeings across the city, taste some delicious coastal food and of-course click few pictures. I reached a day early and booked my accommodation in a nearby hotel to the venue. That very same day, I decided to visit areas near Fort Kochi, the main attraction of the city and also I got to know some very good restaurants were also located there. I visited there in the afternoon, roamed around some beautiful streets which kinda reminded me of Goa. Got a chance to visit a very old church nearby, tasted some awesome fish curry at a local restaurant. I planned to be back by 4 PM so that I’ll have enough time to take rest and do some last minute preps for my presentation. The place where I stayed, also served some delicious food which I got a chance to taste during dinner time.

So, the event was planned to run with three parallel tracks, one main keynote track and other two being DevOps and Security tracks. My talk was listed under Security Track and I was selected to speak on “Understanding Node-problem-detector”. The event started sharp at 9:30 with Introductions to KCD Kerala and also some great information about budding IT culture in Kerala centered around Kochi. Around 10 AM began the speaker tracks with the introduction to “Mainframe to GenAI - by Sudheesh C.”. My talk was scheduled around 12 PM and since this was my first stage presence on such a large platform, butterflies were already there in my stomach :D. Somehow the talk got delayed by 20 minutes, and finally around 12:30, I presented my topic. I got a slot of 30 mins and I was able to finish well within the timeline. If anyone’s interested to re-visit my presentation, link is here. Soon after my talk, we took a break for lunch and I must tell you being a foodie, the food was way delicious. Post lunch, I attended different tracks on DevOps, Security, Cloud etc. Post all the tracks were finished, for the closing ceremony it was planned an electrifying performance by a rock band (can’t remember the name). Though we lost some time during the set-up of instruments and tunning, but what followed was a very different experience I ever had listening to some regional songs live.

Since, I had an evening flight I took off by 6:30. Before leaving had a very short conversation with Humble sir and congratulated him and his entire team for managing an event thig big so gracefully. I had an amazing experience visiting KCD Kochi and wish to return soon to attend such events.

Below are some pics from my visit to Kochi and from the KCD event,





