Pravar Agrawal Technology & Travel

Quay vs Others

Container Registry is the salt of container ecosystem, serves best when fully utilised. The term became more familiar from the early days of Docker Hub but now, there are many players in this segment too. Quay, ECR, ICR(IBM cloud container registry), Google Cloud Registry, Azure Container Registry etc. In this post, I’ll be particularly talking about Quay which is maintained by RedHat and how it’s different from others. A container registry is a single place for you and your team to manage container images be it with Docker, Podman etc.

Understanding Argo CD

Continuous Delivery is an eminent pillar of DevOps culture and is very popular in present times. There are many tools available today which are slowly paving it’s path towards being a must to have in our kitty. One such tool which I’m closely following for a while now is Argo CD. Argo project has been there for quite some time now and I’ve enjoyed working on both Argo workflows and Argo CD.

Podcasts I Listen To

Wikipedia defines a podcast as “an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening”. In other words, a digital audio version of your favourite shows which you can listen to anytime by either simply downloading those or streaming them online. In this post, I’ll be discussing about my favourite podcasts which I regularly listen to. The very first podcast which I listened to was of the show Off the Hook, which is actually a radio show broadcasted on WBAI radio station.

Go - Closures & Variadic functions

“The best programming language is the one which works best for you and the one which you are most comfortable with” - Kelsey Hightower I really like this quote from Kelsey Hightower as it really solves the most confusing question of all time, which programming language is best? Even though I’ve been working with Go for a while, I still come along it’s new features especially whenever I run into a new problem.

Power Up With Helm3

If you are already familiar with the Kubernetes world, usage of Helm is indispensable. It’s an immensely powerful utility when it comes to managing deployments, upgrades to Kubernetes resources. Earlier, there were few concerns especially in terms of security about using Helm. But with the introduction of Helm v3, those issues have been fixed with addition of new features . Before we jump into Helm v3, let’s understand a little about it’s previous version.

Building Containers With Podman

For someone who is been working with containers, Docker & Podman would sound familiar. But there are many folks who are still reluctant to migrate entirely on Podman from Docker. So why such less participation? Are there any downsides of using this tool over Docker? Let’s try to answer these questions in this post. First, we will see how does the Docker actually works. As we know in Docker, the Docker daemon runs as a service on the host operating system.

Monitoring With Prometheus (Part-II)

In my last post, we discussed about what Prometheus is, how it works and some generic configuration around it. In this post, we’ll take a detailed look at Instrumentation, Dashboards & Grafana, Labels, Node Exporter and few other components of Prometheus. There are various benefits of using Prometheus by adding Instrumentation to any of our applications. For example, we can use Python3 to instrument with Prometheus for our application. A simple pip install prometheus_client would do that.

Monitoring With Prometheus (Part-I)

When it comes to managing distributed microservices, Monitoring could be one of the main obstacles. Monitoring microservices based architecture has never been easy and especially when combined with orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Out of the long list of open source time-series databases available, Prometheus is one of the most widely popular. Prometheus has even emerged as a de-facto monitoring solution with Kubernetes. Let’s discuss in detail about what Prometheus, how it works and how we can use it in our stack.

Kubernetes Power Tools

Kubernetes is a definite powerhouse of many tools when it comes to Cloud Native DevOps. It is a micro-services based architecture which can be integrated with different tools for effective administration, monitoring of our workloads. Let’s take a look at such useful tools in this post. Kubernetes Go Language client library The Go client library for Kubernetes here can be used to write effective scripts or programs for effective cluster administration, interaction or debugging.

Node JS on K8s

Bootstraping your application on Kubernetes has never been easy, with so many tutorials available online. As long as we can package your application along with all the dependencies in a container, we can very well deploy it and run it inside a Kubernetes cluster. Let’s see how to run a simple hello world application written in Node JS as Kubernetes deployment. As part of this, we will be creating a simple web application written in Node JS serving on port 3000.